2Cyte™ Technology

Sedatio uses a proprietary  technology called 2Cyte™

Active ingredients express their activity when they are processed by the body. 2Cyte™ enhances active ingredients exposure to the targeted area.


We’re about to get super scientific with the explanation of 2Cyte™. Since not everyone wants to get super granular with the explanation, we offer you the choice. 

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The original carrier material is cyclodextrin.  While this molecule is not new the proprietary processing methods developed by Sedatio are Methods were designed to enhance yields, maximize complex efficiency, protect the host and guest materials during processing and protect the guest material from degradation. Added together this results in more active ingredient getting processed ensuring enhanced effectiveness.  

Third party testing revealed a 32X increase in topical penetration over using the guest molecule (oil) alone.  Orally administrated transit into the gut was 300% greater than the guest alone.

Testing. Has revealed elevated penetration in the skin and orally producing effective activity using much less active ingredient.

Stability; the guest/host complex created dramatic increases in guest material stability resulting in longer shelf life and preserved activity.

The biggest advantage realized is significantly lower amounts of active ingredient to achieve the desired endpoints.  Additional advantages include:

Layman's Terms

When you are “dosing” anything it sometimes needs a bit of help to get it to the intended target. Many products will use carrier materials such as glycols, MCT, Alcohols, and so on.

Sedatio (our partner lab) uses cyclodextrin, a material well know and utilized in the scientific community.  There are many methods utilized for delivery developed after the advent of cyclodextrin.  In this researcher’s view they ‘left behind’ the amazing benefits delivered in this way with less than significant gains in the new genres.  We believe with our enhanced processing methods we’ve raised the performance of the subsequent complexes.

Our solution takes whatever compound is being “dosed” and packages it in a way that gives it the highest possible saturation.


To create optimization companies will often work on breaking down molecule size or modifying the molecule to enhance the bioavailability making it different from the original molecule. 

Another way is by using high doses so some of the ingredient will get processed. 2Cyte™ enhances all these parameters without using high doses or affecting the original molecule itself.

Tissue can only process so much ingredient. Excess is expelled and sometimes stored as unwanted deposits.

Third party testing shows that when you apply a compound to your skin with 2Cyte™ technology, you get 32X the topical delivery of the active ingredient in comparison to using the active alone.

2Cyte™ also helps the product remain shelf stable. Over time the activity of the guest ingredient does not diminish and is at full strength when it is applied.

The way 2Cyte™ packages these smaller molecules allows your body to absorb it over a longer period of time. 

Complexed ingredients are still delivering their activities up to 6 hours after application!

The FDA deems items safe for human consumption with the term “Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS)”.  

Due to the enhaced surface area created by the 2Cyte™ process much more tissue is exposed to the therapeutic benefits of the guest active ingredient.

The biggest advantage realized is that the amount of active ingredient is significantly lower while still producing superior results. Additional advantages include:

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